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Published: 02-06-2022

Micronutrientes e Diminuição do Estresse Oxidativo nos Espermatozoides

Médico Pós-Graduando em Nutrologia pela ABRAN
Antioxidants Oxidative Stress Male Infertility Micronutrients


The integrity of spermatozoa in the seminal fluid given its parameters (motility, concentration, morphology and vitality) is important for the reproductive function. The oxidative stress can adversely affect the quality of the semen, which causes the damage and dysfunction of the sperm. Thus, a literature review based on Pubmed was held seeking studies that aimed to improve the quality of sperm with the use of antioxidants. The use of certain vitamins and minerals seem to affect the sperm quality. Literature data on single or combined oral use of these micronutrients in improving semen parameters and fertility potential are limited and scarce. Thus, it is essential to develop new studies that enable micronutrient dosages settings, as well as their combinations in improving sperm quality. The use of oral antioxidants has proved to be a promising strategy for a non-invasive treatment that reduces the need to use assisted reproductive technologies; providing lower costs in the management of male infertility.


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How to Cite

Ciattei, A. P. (2022). Micronutrientes e Diminuição do Estresse Oxidativo nos Espermatozoides. International Journal of Nutrology, 9(1), 153–159.