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Published: 02-07-2022

Influência do sobrepeso sobre a Estrutura de Sustentação Osteomuscular

Departamento de Neurociência FMRPUSP
Mestre em Ginecologia FMRPUSP
Departamento de Clínica Médica da FMRPUSP
Doutor em Medicina pela FAMERP
Professor da Faculdade Barão de Mauá Ribeirão Preto
Doutor em Medicina pela FMRPUSP
bone matrices obesity osteoporosis prediction


In this century, among the numerous chronic diseases, we highlight obesity and osteoporosis as a result of the growing and high prevalence which are now considered epidemic and two major public health problems. There is little multidisciplinary research related to musculoskeletal clinical symptoms in patients with overweight and simultaneously evaluating the state of the musculoskeletal support structure and bone composition. The New Biology Bone, from an early age enables to trace the two bone matrix (protein and inorganic) that make up the support structure of the entire musculoskeletal system. Nowadays you can trace comprehensively bone protein matrix and detect early changes resulting from the habits, drugs, idleness, hormone deficiencies, obesity, chronic diseases among others. The old understanding that obesity exerts protective action to fractures was commuted by research in molecular level, which found that adipocytes and osteoblasts share the same progenitor cell. Objective: To trace the two bone matrix and compare the pattern of bone support structure in healthy young adults and on overweight. Result: The comparison showed that both qualitative tools accused significant difference at p <0.001. Stratification of UBPI tool revealed bone quality was poor in 7.7% of the patients with overweight and none in the control group. Stratification Profile Biophysical Bone (PBO) detected in 43.1% of overweight with Inverse Profile and none in the control group. Regarding quantitative tool (T-score) we didn´t detect differences in its three stratifications. Conclusion: In patients with overweight an early analysis of two bone-qualitative tools (PBO and UBPI) provide important information about the musculoskeletal support structure and enables the clinical nutrition specialist to develop preventive actions in the short term.


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How to Cite

Guerreiro, C. T., Iannetta, R., Marchini, J. S., Ribas Filho, D., Feitosa, R. B., & Iannetta, O. (2022). Influência do sobrepeso sobre a Estrutura de Sustentação Osteomuscular. International Journal of Nutrology, 9(2), 182–190.