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Published: 02-07-2022

A importância do magnésio na doença cardiovascular

Médica Cardiologista
Magnesium cardiovascular diseases diabetes arterial hypertension myocardial infarction/complications magnesium deficiency/etiology cardiac failure/complications


This paper is a literature review that aimed at describing the importance of magnesium in cardiovascular disease. Bibliographic compilations about original scientific articles and literature reviews on indexed journals were carried out. The work has described that magnesium ion is involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions with anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and cell growth modulating properties in order to reduce oxidative stress. Magnesium deficiency is associated to metabolic syndrome, hypertension, congestive heart failure, diabetes mellitus and arrhythmias. It has been concluded that magnesium, because of its role of relaxing the smooth muscles of cardiac vessels, dilates the coronary arteries improving myocardial contractility, reducing the risks of coronary spasms and inhibiting platelet aggregation by increasing the relationship between prostacyclin/ thromboxane. Due to its dilating effect, it reduces blood pressure and is responsible for stabilizing the cardiac rhythm. Therefore, it plays an important role in cardiovascular diseases’.


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How to Cite

Ramirez, A. V. G. (2022). A importância do magnésio na doença cardiovascular. International Journal of Nutrology, 9(4), 242–253.