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Case Report
Published: 02-14-2022

Atividade física, nutrição, farmacoterapia; a obesidade e seus tratamentos: uma revisão da literatura

Hospital municipal Walter Ferrari (HMWF) / médico no programa de saúde do município de Pedreira, Brasil
obesity overweight physical activity nutrition diets weight loss


The main point of this review is to evaluate strategies and pharmacological methods or not for obesity or overweight treatment. Obesity is now one of the major diseases of modern life. Nutritional transition trends occurring during this century direct to a more westernized diet, which, combined with a decrease in physical activity, converge for a high number of obesity all around the world. This represents an increase in morbidity and mortality associated with obesity, once it is a risk factor for several diseases. As a CNCD (chronic non-communicable disease), the IHME (Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation) attributes 3.4 million deaths and a prevalence of 37% of the adult population with obesity and overweight from 1980 - 2013. Obesity presents itself not only as a scientific and public health problem, but also as a challenge to the industry involving the development of drugs, modified foods, among others, and even government strategies encouraging regular physical activity and dietary orientation to promote improvement of healthy habits. Thus, the evaluation of resources and strategies to prevent obesity are objects of study of many researchers all around the world.


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How to Cite

Faria, A. P. L. de. (2022). Atividade física, nutrição, farmacoterapia; a obesidade e seus tratamentos: uma revisão da literatura. International Journal of Nutrology, 10(3), 91–98.