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Case Report
Published: 02-14-2022

Adequação de medicamentos prescritos em pacientes em uso de sonda enteral em um hospital público no sul do Brasil

Nutróloga Coordenadora Clínica, EMTN Hospital Alvorada-RS, Brasil
Nutricionista Coordenador Técnico Administrativo, EMTN Hospital Alvorada-RS, Brasil
Enfermeira, EMTN Hospital Alvorada-RS, Brasil
Farmacêutica, EMTN Hospital Alvorada-RS, Brasil
Fonoaudióloga, EMTN Hospital Alvorada-RS, Brasil
Fisioterapeuta, EMTN Hospital Alvorada-RS, Brasil
Enteral feeding tube pharmaceutical form pharmaceutical care pharmaceutical preparations enteral nutritional therapy


Patients receiving enteral nutritional therapy are fed via enteral feeding tubes, which are also routes of medical administration. Nutrients and drugs interact with each other and with the gastrointestinal tract; care is needed to ensure that this therapy is properly performed in order to avoid adverse effects related to enteral nutritional therapy. The professionals involved in prescribing, dispensing and administrating drugs by feeding tubes should have the technical ability and skills that ensure the adequacy of the drug treatment in patients who use this type of therapy. There are few clinical protocols that refer to drug use in solid pharmaceutical form via enteral catheter. This study aimed to verify the inadequacy of the prescription of the solid pharmaceutical form through enteral feeding tube in patients hospitalized in a clinical unit in a public hospital in the south of Brazil. This is an observational, cross-sectional study whose data were analyzed from medical prescriptions of patients using enteral tubes. Among the drugs with pharmaceutical form of oral use prescribed via enteral feeding tubes, 94% (604) were prescribed in a solid dosage form, of which 42% (253) were inadequately prescribed. The high prevalence of inadequately prescribed drugs for tube administration demonstrates the importance of the pharmaceutical activity among the multidisciplinary team who assists patients with enteral nutritional therapy.


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How to Cite

Ramos, C. P., Kuhn, E. H. G., Girardi, A. L., Demartini, M., Deus, V. F. de, & Dias, M. F. (2022). Adequação de medicamentos prescritos em pacientes em uso de sonda enteral em um hospital público no sul do Brasil. International Journal of Nutrology, 10(3), 99–105.