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Published: 03-05-2022

Consenso da Associação Brasileira de Nutrologia sobre o uso de suplementos alimentares para crianças com dificuldades alimentares

Associação Brasileira de Nutrologia, Universidade Federal de São Carlos – UFSCAR, São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil
Associação Brasileira de Nutrologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Associação Brasileira de Nutrologia, Fundação Padre Albino, Catanduva, São Paulo, Brazil
Nutricionista, Instituto PENSI, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Instituto PENSI, Universidade Federal de São Paulo – UNIFESP, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
supplementary feeding feeding behavior feeding and eating disorders feeding nutritional support


Introduction: Feeding difficulties are extremely frequent complaints in the pediatric age group, being relevant the standardization of the behaviors by the professionals involved in the treatment. One of the tools that can be used is nutritional supplementation. Objectives: To establish the recommendations of the Brazilian Association of Nutrology on the use of supplements for the child with feeding difficulties. Methods: Revision of the scientific literature of the last fifty years in relation to the proposed theme. Conclusions: Recommendations are made about the use of supplements for the child with feeding difficulties.


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How to Cite

Nogueira-de-Almeida, C. A., Mello, E. D. de, Ribas Filho, D., Maximino, P., & Fisberg, M. (2022). Consenso da Associação Brasileira de Nutrologia sobre o uso de suplementos alimentares para crianças com dificuldades alimentares. International Journal of Nutrology, 11(4), 4–15.