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Case Report
Published: 03-05-2022

Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Primary School Teachers on Nutrition and Food

Master degree in Children and Adolescent Health. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Master student in Children and Adolescent Health. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Faculdade de Medicina. Post-Graduation Program in Children and Adolescent Health, Porto Alegre, Brazil
PhD in Children and Adolescent Health. Associate Professor, Medical School and Post-Graduation Program in Children and Adolescent Health, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
education feeding food and nutrition education


Introdution: The teacher's formation is a paramount condition for the education in health. Objective: To develop a questionnaire and assess knowledge, attitudes and practices of early years school teachers. Methodology: a questionnaire about nutrition and feeding was applied. The subjects were teachers from pre-school to 5th grade of Elementary School. Results: There were 288 teachers in the survey. They were all in favor of the promotion of a healthy feeding in school. The source of information mostly used was the textbook. 76% thought they had good knowledge about a healthy diet. The average number of positive/correct answers was 21 (48%). Conclusions: The knowledge about nutrition and feeding were insufficient and the general performance in the questionnaire was low. Actions that aim at qualifying the teachers are urgent, so that they can develop the necessary tools to promote a healthy feeding in schools.


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How to Cite

Falkenbach, D., D’avila, H. F., & Mello, E. D. de. (2022). Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Primary School Teachers on Nutrition and Food. International Journal of Nutrology, 11(1), 21–29.