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Technical Note
Published: 03-06-2022

Processamento caseiro de congelamento e descongelamento por microondas e sua relação com o conteúdo de vitaminas e minerais (revisando o uso de microondas e congelamento)

Instituto de Psiquiatria, Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP), São Paulo, SP, Brasil
International Dairy Federation (IDF), Comitê Brasileiro da Federação Internacional de Lácteos, São Paulo, SP, Brasil
Departamento de Pediatria, Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, SP, Brazil
heating freezing minerals vitamins


Since 2004. a review about the effect of freezing and microwaves in vitamins and minerals has been evaluated. The freezing is one of the process more natural to keep food shelf-life mainly due to the lack of sensorial changes even when the food is cooked and precooked. However, if the food is raw, the freezing must 'be applied carefully and fast to avoid ice crystals formation, which break through the food structure and may alter food texture, flavor, color, and even odor. The freezing may also avoid or even reduce the microorganisms viability, oxygen and enzyme actions that may accelerate the degradation process, always when handled under hygiene-sanitary conditions. The microwaves uses micro irradiation -radiation from short waves and low frequency to warm up foods. It’s action makes the water molecules present in the food cheer generating heat, which spread through food molecules to heat and cook them (Komaroff, 2015). Nowadays is well-known the fast heating provoked by microwaves is one of the less damaged to the nutrients. Th reason why is the time spent to cook food, as longer easier to break down the food structure to have denatured and destabilized nutrients. The fact of is not need to add water to cook feed lead to preserve better the hydro soluble vitamins. Therefore, there is no significant vitamins and minerals loss using these food process techniques.


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How to Cite

Kachani, A. T., Castro, G. A. de, & Fisberg, M. (2022). Processamento caseiro de congelamento e descongelamento por microondas e sua relação com o conteúdo de vitaminas e minerais (revisando o uso de microondas e congelamento). International Journal of Nutrology, 11(3), 108–111.