Chromosomal mutations involving 19p13.3 have been described as pathogenic. clinical and phenotypic features can include, in most cases, psychomotor development delay, microcephaly, typical facial appearance, hand and foot anomalies, umbilical hernia, hypotonia, and low percentage of lean mass. The main types of mutation found on this chromosome are deletion or duplication. Short stature is often the cause of medical demand and the use of exogenous GH for patients with this syndrome is not beneficial. This article reports the case of a 5-year-old girl who sought medical help due to short stature and was diagnosed with this syndrome. Furthermore, this case study may contribute to the dissemination in the medical community about the association of this genetic mutation with the child's clinical condition, warning about this syndrome, and the possibility of the occurrence of early puberty. This study was analyzed and approved by the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) according to a substantiated opinion number 4.765.113.
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