Objective: To assess whether the modified Scopinaro surgery is as effective and safe as the classic Scopinaro surgery to reduce excess weight, control the comorbidities, and evaluate the onset of clinical and nutritional intercurrences, if any. Methods: The study sample was composed of 28 participants who were randomized to undergo one of the surgical procedures, and who were monitored by a multiprofessional health team to evaluate the impact of the surgery in the treatment of obesity. We assessed the following variables: comorbidities, clinical and nutritional intercurrences and quality of life. The research protocol was approved by the Ethics in Research Committee of Faculdades Integradas de Pitágoras de Montes Claros (under CAAE 26919414.9.0000.5109). All of the participants signed the informed consent form (ICF). Results: The mean pre-surgery body mass index (BMI) for the classic Scopinaro group and the modified Scopinaro group was of 46.89 kg/m2 and 43.22 kg/m2 respectively. After 540 days of the surgery, these values dropped to 32.16 kg/m2 and 28.79 kg/m2. The evaluation of the percentage of excess BMI lost (%EBL) in the period proved the surgical success, with values of 67.33%% for the classic Scopinaro surgery, and of 80.37% for the modified Scopinaro surgery. Control of the comorbidities, as well as a general improvement in the laboratory test results, was achieved by most of the participants subjected to either one of the techniques. Flatulence and diarrhea were the clinical intercurrencesfound as a result of both procedures. Conclusion: We concluded that the modified Scopinaro surgery is as effective and safe as the classic Scopinaro surgery in reducing weight and in the control of comorbidities, and it also presents the possibility of endoscopic access of all of the stomach and duodenum, surgical reversibility, and conversion into another surgical procedure.
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