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Published: 12-23-2021

Gut microbiota related to nutrition and physical activity: an integrative review

Luaira Ferreira Campos Clinic, Macae, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Gut microbiota Intestinal flora Food Probiotic Physical exercise


Introduction: The gut microbiota (GM) is formed by millions of microorganisms present in the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the colon. This intestinal homeostasis can be triggered by the union of a good diet, and even recent studies have suggested that aerobic physical training can modify its composition. Objective: To analyze the influence of healthy eating added to the practice of physical exercise in changing the composition of the GM. Methods: The research was carried out with an exploratory, qualitative and bibliographic approach. A literature review that brings together important studies on the influence of physical exercise on GM. Results: Data collection for this literature review was carried out from March to September, using articles, in addition to trustworthy websites, with the following descriptors: gut microbiota, microbiota, intestinal flora, food, probiotics, and physical exercise. Conclusion: The training was efficient to change the GM composition in sedentary men, thus being able to minimize possible negative interferences of the sedentary pattern. Bacteria that reside in our body work with a commensalism strategy, where there are two different structures, the microorganism, and the individual's body, but both live together normally and thus work together to maintain the GM balance.


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How to Cite

Campos, L. F. (2021). Gut microbiota related to nutrition and physical activity: an integrative review. International Journal of Nutrology, 15(1).