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Published: 08-25-2022

II Consensus of the Brazilian Nutrology Association on DHA recommendations during pregnancy, lactation and childhood

UFSCAR – Federal University of Sao Carlos, department of medicine, Sao Carlos, Sao Paulo, Brazil
UNIFIPA – Padre Albino University Center and Faculty of Medicine of Catanduva (FAMECA), Catanduva, São Paulo, Brazil
USP/FSP – University of São Paulo, medical school, São Paulo, Brazil
ICr HC FMUSP – USP School of Medicine, São Paulo, Brazil
PUC – Department of Human Reproduction and Childhood, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, São Paulo, Brazil
UFRS – Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, department of pediatrics, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
UNIFESP – Federal University of Sao Paulo, department of neurology, São Paulo, Brazil
USP – University of Sao Paulo, department of pediatrics, faculty of medicine, São Paulo, Brazil
DHA Ômega 3 Consensus Pregnancy Lactation Children LCPUFAS


Objective: To update of the consensus of the Brazilian Association of Nutrology regarding DHA consumption and supplementation during pregnancy, lactation and childhood. Methods: Scientific articles published until 2022 were reviewed in Pubmed/Medline, SciELO and Lilacs databases. Results: Considering the information obtained, the authors drafted the consensus, which was approved by the Brazilian Association of Nutrology board. Conclusions: The recommendations of the Brazilian Nutrology Association are presented based on scientific evidence.


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How to Cite

Nogueira-de-Almeida, C. A., Ribas Filho, D., Philippi, S. T., Pimentel, C. V. de M. B., Korkes, H. A., Mello, E. D. de, Bertolucci, P. H. F., & Falcão, M. C. (2022). II Consensus of the Brazilian Nutrology Association on DHA recommendations during pregnancy, lactation and childhood. International Journal of Nutrology, 15(3).