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Published: 01-30-2023

Major considerations of sarcopenia in the elderly: a concise systematic review

Reinert Medical Clinic (Clínica Médica Reinert), Indaial, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Sarcopenia Elderly Treatment


The present work aims to highlight throughout the contents presented the main aspects of sarcopenia in the elderly, promoting to readers an understanding of the diagnosis, possible treatments, and exams that are relevant for the identification of the disease. The general objective of the research is to describe the main aspects of sarcopenia in the elderly, regarding the specific objectives, are highlighting information about the elderly; assessing how sarcopenia develops; present procedures for the diagnosis and treatment of sarcopenia among the elderly. For a better foundation of the contents presented, a literature review was carried out, highlighting some of the main concepts and analyzes of renowned authors on sarcopenia, consolidating how this disease impacts the routines and quality of life of the elderly. It can be concluded that over the years some research has been developed and treatment methods have been developed seeking to give the elderly an opportunity to treat sarcopenia, especially with the practice of physical activities aimed at strengthening the limbs and joints.


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How to Cite

Reinert, K. (2023). Major considerations of sarcopenia in the elderly: a concise systematic review. International Journal of Nutrology, 16(1).