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Published: 02-01-2023

Effect of glutamine supplementation in elderly people with emphasis on sarcopenia, immunity and hypertrophy: a concise systematic review

Essence Clinic, Congonhas, Minas Gerais, Brazil / Prefeitura Municipal de Congonhas, Congonhas, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Glutamine Sarcopenia Immunity Hypertrophy


Currently, the aging of the population is no longer a forgotten subject for health professionals in Brazil. This is due to the decrease in the birth rate in the country and the improvement in quality of life, this first factor was boosted after the ease of access to information on contraceptive methods and their distribution by the health system. As a result, the Nutrition area has been studying more diligently ways to provide elderly people with methods that contribute to a more comfortable, healthy, and long-lasting life. The nutritionist is essential to identify the deficits and disharmonization of the body of the elderly caused naturally over the years in people's lives, such as loss of muscle mass, and lack of nutrients, among others. Given this scenario, this work will be focused on showing that the use of oral Glutamine supplementation contributes to the gain of muscle mass in the elderly since this natural amino acid present mainly in the muscle tissue of the human body is greatly reduced due to loss of mass skin and body weight gain caused by the slow metabolism found in older people. In this way, supplementation along with a well-designed nutritional table and an exercise routine will promote less chance of injury to the elderly due to a lack of nutrients and greater physical resistance. To reinforce and prove this study, we will use the literature review method distributed in topics.


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How to Cite

Coelho, C. R. F. (2023). Effect of glutamine supplementation in elderly people with emphasis on sarcopenia, immunity and hypertrophy: a concise systematic review. International Journal of Nutrology, 16(1).