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Case Report
Published: 07-04-2023

Clinical and nutrological aspects of celiac disease: a case report

Santo André II Clinical Center, Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil
Santo André II Clinical Center, Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil
Celiac disease Diagnosis Nutrological therapy


Celiac Disease is an autoimmune enteropathy triggered by gluten intake in genetically predisposed individuals. The prevalence varies by country and it is estimated to be 1% of the population. Diagnosis can be made at any age, and may manifest in a typical manner with diarrhea, abdominal pain, malabsorption, malnutrition; or with atypical symptoms and extra intestinal manifestations such as metabolic diseases, and neurological symptoms. The interest in its diagnosis results in the regression of symptoms with the dietary exclusion of gluten, the recovery of adequate nutritional status, and the reduction of the risk of the appearance of more serious complications (refractory disease, lymphoma, and intestinal adenocarcinoma). A case is reported of a patient with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, with dyspeptic symptoms, ferropenia, and chronic fatigue who after an etiological investigation was diagnosed with celiac disease, in addition to reviewing current clinical, nutrological, and therapeutic aspects of the disease.


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How to Cite

Jorrin, M. A., & San Miguel, M. A. M. (2023). Clinical and nutrological aspects of celiac disease: a case report. International Journal of Nutrology, 16(2).