Introduction: Leaky Bowel Syndrome or intestinal permeability is a gastrointestinal condition that affects many people. A leaky gut is a trigger for many changes like food allergies and intolerances, autoimmune diseases, colitis, Crohn's and celiac disease, inflammatory diseases, depression, insulin resistance and even cancer have been linked. Objective: To analyze basic information for a better understanding of this topic, from the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as the diseases that are associated with it, how the immune system responds to these injuries, the quality, and importance of proteins, and the consequence of this disorder to the body human. Methods: Conducted an integrative literature review. The Pubmed, Google Scholar, and Scielo databases were consulted. Results: The intestine is naturally permeable to many small molecules, so it can absorb vital nutrients. Regulating intestinal permeability is one of the most basic functions of the cells that make up the intestinal wall. But one factor calls our attention, what is the role of gluten in the development of this disease and the worsening of symptoms? Insensitive people, gluten can cause cells to release zonulin, a protein that can break the tight junctions of intestinal tissue. Other factors—such as infections, toxins, stress, and age—can also cause these joints to come apart. Once strong joints break, you have a leaky gut. Gluten, therefore, is the number one cause of this process. A person with a leaky intestine tends to be highly allergic and intolerant to foods and substances, and may or may not manifest intestinal discomfort such as gas and bloating. Conclusion: Based on the literature that supports this theme, it is considered that gluten is a possible villain in the intestinal tract and is related to many autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, as an interventional measure, it is necessary to reduce some carbohydrate-rich foods and the maintenance of the body's balance with specific diets and physical activities.
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