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Published: 01-25-2022

Efeitos benéficos do açaí

Doutorado em Ginecologia pela UFRJ e Médico Nutrólogo/Ginecologista da Clínica de Climatério, PAM Antonio Ribeiro Neto, Rio de Janeiro
Médica Nutróloga/Endocrinologista do Centro de Pesquisa Clínica de Endocrinologia da Santa Casa de São Paulo
Médica Nutróloga/Clínica Geral da Clínica de Climatério, PAM Antonio Ribeiro Neto, Rio de Janeiro
Açaí Euterpe oleracea Mart. anthocyanins antioxidants polyphenols phytochemical interactions


The açaí fruit of amazon region has a pulp with nutritive value due to it's high levels of Omegas 6 and 9 fatty acids, beyond carbohydrates, fibers, vitamin E, proteins, minerals (Mn, Fe, Zn, Cu, Cr) and large amount of antioxidants. Anthocyanins, proanthocyanins and others flavanoids are phytochemicals, but the anthocyanins are considered to contribute to increased antioxidant capacity of açai pulp. The açaí compounds probably have beneficial effects as anti-inflammtory, on immunologic profile, dyslipidemia, diabetes type 2, metabolic syndrome, cancer and antiaging effects. It is necessary to follow standardizing methods for long term storage of the product, to maintain a stable antioxidant capacity and activity of the ingredients. There is a need for more randomized controlled researchers in vivo to assess the benefits and mechanism of action of the açaí nutrients.


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How to Cite

Portinho, J. A., Zimmermann, L. M., & Bruck, M. R. (2022). Efeitos benéficos do açaí. International Journal of Nutrology, 5(1), 15–20.