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Published: 01-25-2022

Failure of a single nutrition counseling session for climacteric women

Department of Clínica Médica, Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto/Universidade de São Paulo – FMRP/USP
Department of Clínica Médica, Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto/Universidade de São Paulo – FMRP/USP
Department of Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto/Universidade de São Paulo – FMRP/USP
Department of Clínica Médica, Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto/Universidade de São Paulo – FMRP/USP
nutrition obesity menopause aging counseling


Background: Due to the alarming growth of obesity over the world, strategies of nutritional guidance are necessary for the treatment and prevention of this disease. Thus, the objective of the present study was to provide a single session of nutritional counseling to a group of climacteric women and to assess the efficacy of this procedure 2 years later and to calculate the concordance between methods that evaluate body composition.

Methods: Anthropometric, dietary and physical activity data were collected from the volunteers studied, who were then counseled about correct eating habits and the importance of physical activity during a single visit lasting 120 minutes. Two years later, the same women were reevaluated on the basis of the same criteria as used for the initial evaluation. Body composition and energy expenditure were assessed by bioelectrical impedance, DXA and indirect calorimetry, and food intake was calculated. Anthropometric measurements were made and laboratory tests were also performed. The initial and final analyses were compared statistically by the Wilcoxon test for paired samples and the St. Laurent test was applied to determine the concordance of the methods for the determination of body composition.

Results: Ten women were followed up during the study period and their mean (±SD) age was 54 ± 8 years at the beginning of the study. The dietary history of the subjects studied showed deficient intake of calcium, vitamins, zinc and fibers both at the beginning and at the end of the study. A greater intake of cholesterol and carbohydrates occurred at the end of the study. The anthropometric measurements and all other body composition measurements remained constant, with concordance between the anthropometric and DXA measurements regarding body mass.

Conclusion: The data show the inefficiency of a single visit or counseling session regarding a change of nutritional habits in these patients, despite the limited number of participants.


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How to Cite

Santos, R. D. S., Marchini, J. S., Iannetta, O., & Suen, V. M. M. (2022). Failure of a single nutrition counseling session for climacteric women. International Journal of Nutrology, 5(1), 43–49.