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Published: 02-04-2022

Epigenetics and the exposomes: Obesity and beyond

Professor of Pediatrics


The specific genetic alterations that result in diseases and complex syndromes have been and continue to be identified. Search for the origins of disease have led to investigations into the roles of dietary and environmental factors as potential triggers or modifiers of risk. Genome-wide association studies have identified concepts such as the rare variant-common disease hypothesis and the common variant-common disease hypothesis. Through association studies, unique gene-environment interactions, which may occur with or without specific periods of permissiveness or vulnerabilities, have also been identified. Major conditions where the role of exposomes and epigenetics are rapidly evolving are obesity, neurological disorders, immune disorders and cancers. These concepts are particularly intriguing in the context of obesity.


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How to Cite

Raman, R. P., & Raman, A. D. (2022). Epigenetics and the exposomes: Obesity and beyond. International Journal of Nutrology, 6(3), 89–93.