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Published: 11-05-2021

Dysbiosis and obesity: implications of the gut microbiota

University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
Federal University of Maranhão, General Surgery and Medical Clinic, São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil
Etianne Bartz Institute, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil
Porto Velho Hospital, Rondônia, Brazil
State University of Pará, Brazil
Medical Diagnostics Center, São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil
Human gut microbiota Obesity Dysbiosis Bowel changes


Introduction: Obesity has been considered a public health crisis, contributing as a risk factor for several important chronic diseases and even death. Considering this fact, it is noteworthy that there is a fundamental relationship between the intestine and health, and this organ is considered by modern medicine as our second brain in the concept of intestinal permeability. Within the evaluation of the food process, effective nutritional absorption can be altered due to imbalances, such as malabsorption, drug-nutrient interaction, changes in mucosal permeability, and, consequently, an imbalance in the gut microbiota. Dysbiosis is characterized by these negative changes that occur in the intestine. In this sense, the present systematic review study sought to answer: What influences can the microbiota composition have on the metabolic syndrome and obesity process? Objective: To elucidate the relationship between the presence of intestinal dysbiosis in the pathogenesis of obesity. Methods: This is a bibliographic review work where the MEDLINE, PubMed, and SciELO databases were consulted using the following descriptors: Human gut microbiota, obesity, dysbiosis. Results and Conclusion: Based on the literature that supports this theme, it was possible to observe that in the obese population there is an increase in bacteria of the genus Firmicutes and a decrease in the genus Bacteriodetes, with the blocking of factors and proteins that regulate the homeostasis of the absorption of lipids and fatty acids being observed thus being able to alter the energy metabolism leading to a greater accumulation of adipose tissue.


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How to Cite

Pinto, A. C., Cavalcante, D. E. C., Araújo, E. A., Cabral, F. M., Santos, J. M., & Costa, K. V. (2021). Dysbiosis and obesity: implications of the gut microbiota. International Journal of Nutrology, 14(3).