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Published: 02-06-2022

Nutrologia: Análise e Avaliação da Composição e Cinética de Nutrientes em Diversos Compartimentos e Tecidos do Organismo Humano

Centro Ciências da Saúde da Universidade do Texas, San Antonio, TX, USA
Departamento de Clínica Médica, Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, USP, Brazil
Departamento de Clínica Médica, Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, USP, Brazil


Nutrology is recognized medical specialty in Brazil by the Brazilian Medical Association and the Brazilian Health Authorities, which studies the nutrients functions / food on health, illness and disease prevention. The Nutrology clinical studies in medical practice also the important role of nutrients in clinical diagnosis, functional, biochemical and pharmacological treatment, food (dietary) of patients and prevention of nutritional diseases. Obesity, atherosclerosis, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, certain cancers, dyslipidemia, deficiencies of minerals and vitamins are some examples of diseases involving disorders in primary or secondary intake or metabolism of nutrients. During the course of these diseases occur characteristic nutritional disorders, specifically related to the intake and metabolism of nutrients. They can affect several or specific parts of our body and must necessarily involve a medical evaluation for clinical diagnosis and treatment the physician nutrition specialist, who is a specialist in the study of nutrients in health and disease. It is not possible in the clinic, in medicine, nutrology to treat diseases without clinical, biochemical and functional. The nutrologic analysis complete and specialized medical history beyond clinical nutrition, including specific data on family diet, the patient’s current and past since birth, relevant medical examination with emphasis on function and pathophysiology of nutrients in the transition from health to disease. It requires a series of functional tests, bioquímicos, nutrogenéticos / nutrogenômicos, histological and physiological effects of nutrients in different compartments of the human body. This analysis should always be seeks to integrate the processes of ingestion, absorption and metabolism of macro and micro-nutrients, as well as the utilization, storage and elimination of various products and nutritional metabolism in each patient. Also it is essential to establish the structural and functional properties of nutrients with emphasis on their relationship with the basic functions of the organs and tissues of the body. This type of integrated knowledge facilitates investigations then more specific and accurate physiological repercussions accompanying disorders of nutrients and modify biological processes essential to life. The end result of this nutritional clinical research allows an upgrade and development of more effective prevention and treatment of nutritional diseases, individual and community, which are directly or indirectly linked to disturbances of the processes of organic nutrients.


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How to Cite

Cersósimo, E., Junqueira-Franco, M. V. M., & Oliveira, J. E. D. de. (2022). Nutrologia: Análise e Avaliação da Composição e Cinética de Nutrientes em Diversos Compartimentos e Tecidos do Organismo Humano. International Journal of Nutrology, 8(4), 85–94.