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Published: 02-06-2022

Ortorexia nervosa: um desafio para o nutrólogo

Médica do Trabalho. Cursou Nutrologia pela Abran em 2014
Doutoranda na PPBENFBIO UNIRIO / Professora Adjunta da Escola de Medicina e Cirurgia da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Orthorexia Nervosa Feeding Behavior Eating Disorders Nutrology


The orthorexia nervosa is related with obsessive thoughts about healthy nutrition. This symptom has not been officially recognized as an eating disorder yet, not being present in the DSM -V. However, the literature discusses the concept of orthorexia nervosa that includes these characteristics, interactions, signs and symptoms and treatment. This work shows a systematic literature review of forty-three articles published since 1997 in order to map the knowledge about orthorexia to this date. This work focused on the importance of physician specialist in nutrology on diagnosis and monitoring these patients with a multidisciplinary team. The definition of risk groups and the criteria for diagnosis creating auxiliary methods as the ORTHO -15 are essential for the early diagnosis of this condition. The treatment of orthorexia requires a multidisciplinary team, involving nutritional experts, doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, nutritionists, physical educator. In some cases, anti-serotoninergic drugs may be required as part of the treatment. Conclusion: More research is needed to define the diagnostic criteria and the prevalence of this eating disorder.


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How to Cite

Luna, C. de A., & Belmonte, T. de S. A. (2022). Ortorexia nervosa: um desafio para o nutrólogo. International Journal of Nutrology, 9(1), 128–139.